Saturday, September 28, 2013

An adventure in Belize. San Pedros January 18-21/2013. With Valerie and Olivia.

 The traveling Crew..
 Roaming this small Island.

 A selfie. Water so blue.. AWWWW now this is paradise.
 Jude fishing with Olivia. Olivia actually caught a fish or two.
 This is one of the boat rides we went out on where we got to swim with the sharks and pet some sting rays.
 conche ceviche that the guys made. This was sooooo delicious and fresh. Just caught right from the ocean.

 This is the dock of Belize.  This was right before we took our boat out to San Pedros.

 The water of San Pedros Island of Belize. Beautiful and clear.
 This is the guys cooking up our meal. This guy cooking the meal was a really cool guy and very good with the kids. They even made a special meal for Jude since he was allergic to shell fish. This guy told Jude that he was allergic to shell fish because he doesn't have a shell.

This was an Awesome boat trip we embarked upon with some Locals that offered an adventure out to sea. Jude is fishing our meal. He didn't catch anything so he soon lost interest in fishing. 

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